PitchGround – Weekly Roundup (8th Aug – 13th Aug)

The PG Weekly is back with the 2nd installment. We hope you are doing well!

If you’re new here, and don’t know what’s happening, a brand new series we just started called “PG Weekly” will show you a summary of what’s going on at PitchGround!

Consider it as a quick to read, concise weekly journal for the company.

This Weekly Roundup is divided into 5 main categories:

  • Updates to Existing Lifetime Deals
  • Upcoming SaaS
  • SaaS Deals Ending Soon
  • Upcoming Webinars
  • Exciting updates about PitchGround

Let’s begin

Updates to Existing Lifetime Deals


Scalify users rejoice as the team has been working hard to release two new updates this particular week!

The updates are as follows:

  • Task Drafts: Added the option to save a task as a draft. Users can resume their work in a later time without having to start over.
  • Page Likes Campaign Objective: Scalify now supports the campaign objective “Page Likes”. Users can launch campaigns optimizing for page likes to increase their online authority.


If you’re subscribed to Postpace’s newsletter, you’re aware about this update. But don’t worry, we got you covered:

Postpace NLP module release

  • NLP optimisation module in content optimiser.
  • NLP optimisation module in topic report.
  • Content brief editor improvement to accommodate NLP module

Upcoming SaaS


LinkMngr is launching on the 15th of August, by the time you’re reading this article, LinkMngr would’ve been live already.

With LinkMngr, you can:

? Shorten your links
? Customize your links
? Track your links with analytics
? A/B test your links
? Add retargeting pixels

We wouldn’t lie, Val has already made the promo.
here’s the promo video that explains LinkMngr clearly:

LinkMngr Intro Video

SaaS Deals Ending Soon

Two of the funded companies are now offering a lifetime deal at PitchGround:

NeverSpam – 31st August

NeverSpam is that email warmer you didn’t know you needed. Take your email outreach to a new level through allegrow’s technology to optimize your sender reputation and inbox placement by ensuring that your emails reach will reach the priority inbox, not the spam folder!

Intervue – 1st September

Intervue is a tool that let’s you hire better programmers. Using Intervue, you can hire programmers faster with live coding environments and in-built video calls!

Watch candidates code LIVE and test their skills so you can ensure every hire is the best hire.

Upcoming Webinars

This week we have 3 scheduled value webinars that you absolutely cannot miss!

Webinar 1: How to show your link visitors the best ads

In this webinar we’re inviting Umar M Khan, who’s the co-founder of LinkMngr.

He’s going to talk about what is Link Retargeting and how to add link visitors into a specific target audience for better Facebook ads performance!

If you’re someone who’s just started running ads, you should join this webinar!

Webinar 2: How Marketers Use Emotions to Grow On Social Media

You know, the best marketers on the internet are story tellers.

In this webinar, we’ll decode what it means to show empathy online to your audience and market them your products or services and increase your influence.

For this, our special guest is Ashwin Nair, who’s the head of marketing at Instoried.

Webinar 3: How to find out if your marketing emails are landing in spam?


But unknowingly, your emails are landing in spam folder and the sad part is you don’t even know that’s happening. ?

In this webinar, Ruari Baker, the founder of NeverSpam Allegrow will teach you tactics to find out if all your efforts are landing in the spam folder and if yes, how to overcome it…

So your email lands in the primary tab.✅

Moving on to the final segment of this roundup…

Exciting updates about PitchGround

After a lot of media covered us last week, this comes as a surprise, and is truly special for all of us at Team PitchGround.

PitchGround newchip accelerator

PitchGround just got accepted into the Newchip Accelerator, a popular early stage accelerator based in the United States. ?

Through their program, the accelerator has helped companies raise over $300 million!

We are on our way towards something great, and all this wouldn’t have had happened without YOUR HELP.

YOU, reading this blog post.

We believe that this is the start of something significant.


If you’ve read till here, we thank you so much for your continued support!

Hope you enjoyed going through the updates ?

If you got any feedback for us, and are liking this new format,
Tell us in the comments!

Until then,
Cya next week ?

If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door

Milton Berle
Meenank M
Meenank M

Hi, I'm Meenank, a marketing and a productivity nerd. I head the marketing team at PitchGround, Little SaaS. I love writing, and when you click on me, you'll find all the posts written by me.

Mostly weekly roundups to keep you up to speed with us!
You can stalk me on my personal social media accounts to see what I'm doing.

Articles: 5