

P2P CDN Solution Using WebRTC to Reduce Video Streaming Bandwidth Cost and Improve Latency For Live Streaming and VOD Platforms!
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Support URL - support@vadoo.tv

Knowledgebase URL - https://doc.peervadoo.com/

Public Roadmap - https://trello.com/b/ww8zIrcC/peervadoo-roadmap

Which video format does it support?

The main formats Vadoo supports:

  • HLS - .m3u8 manifest file. 
  • DASH - .mpd manifest file.

Other video formats such as .mp4 are supported as well.

How do I setup?

To create an HLS/DASH stream, you need to convert your RTMP or mp4 video file to the right format

You can use services like:

  • Akamai
  • Wowza streaming cloud
  • AWS
  • FFmpeg

How do I integrate Vadoo with my existing video streaming service?

Vadoo is integrated with a broadcaster’s existing video solution by integrating a Javascript file on the web page with the video player code. This client-side SDK creates a hybrid switcher that allows every user to consume the content in distributing the content with other peers watching the stream concurrently thereby bringing the edge closest to you. Our intelligent AI algorithm identifies the right set of peers based on location, network condition, bandwidth consumption, and various other features. The user experience will be significantly improved due to the fact that the content is being served from your neighboring house than from a CDN data-center present at a remote location.

How do I disable the Vadoo P2P service?

You can disable our service from the dashboard.

What video streaming protocols and players does Vadoo support?

Vadoo currently supports HLS and MPEG Dash streaming protocols. We also support JW Player, Video.js, Shaka, Dplayer, MediaElement js, Flow, Kaltura, Brightcove, Theo, and Clappr players.

Does Vadoo work on mobile devices?

Yes. Mobile devices can use the service.

How secure is the Vadoo service?

Vadoo uses the WebRTC data channel to transfer data between users. The data channel is secured using SCTP protocols and TLS encryption. Communication with the Vadoo backend is done via secure WebSocket, which also uses encryption.

Vadoo is DRM and streams encryption agnostic since the segments sent between users are the same as the segments that users receive from the edge server. 

Does Vadoo work with DRM?


User Experience-

How much benefit will users see from Vadoo?

Our SDK is a very effective system and can manage scalability by 6x with the current infrastructure, we can reduce instances of rebuffering by roughly up to 40%. Our algo matches users based on various factors such as user location, ISP & bandwidth, etc., and makes the optimum decision to deliver ultra-low latency videos.

Can Vadoo ever harm user experience?

No. Vadoo can never deteriorate user experience as the decision to pair users is done during forwarding caching of videos.

Does Vadoo keep information secure?

Data is secured using end-to-end encryption that is compliant with Google, Mozilla, and IETF standards.

Does your technology require any user side plugins?

No. There are absolutely no plugins or add-ons necessary for a viewer to watch streams powered by Vadoo. The entire viewing experience is completely seamless to the user.

What happens if a user doesn’t have WebRTC?

If a user doesn't have WebRTC, the user will fallback to normal HTTP/HTTPS based usage.