What is a Landing Page and How Can you Optimize it? 20 Tips for a Successful Landing Page

In this article we are going to figure out what is a landing page and how you can optimize it to the max!

We all have heard about landing pages from all the SEO and website gurus, but have you wondered what is a landing page, exactly?

We are here to answer that question with the utmost ease and with an extra 20 tips in helping you create and optimize the best landing page.

what is a landing page

What is a landing page?

Landing pages are web pages designed specifically to convert visitors into leads or customers. They usually contain a form where visitors can enter their contact information.

Landing pages are often used to promote sales, generate leads, or gather feedback. In addition to forms, they can also include opt-in boxes, social media buttons, and other interactive elements.

So, now we know that we know what is a landing page, let’s focus on why you need a landing page.

Why do you need a landing page?

The goal of a landing page is to convert site visitors into leads or customers for your business. Landing pages should be well designed and easy to use in order to achieve this goal.

Landing pages can help you increase conversions by giving visitors exactly what they need.

For example, if someone comes to your website seeking information about the size of a particular product, a landing page gives them that information without forcing them to look through your entire catalogue.

This approach keeps people on your site longer, which means they’re more likely to become customers.

A landing page doesn’t have to be complicated; in fact, many businesses choose to create simple, one-page sites that encourage users to provide email addresses or opt-in for offers.

The key is to make sure your landing page provides something useful to potential customers.

So, after reading all of this I hope the question “what is a landing page?” is something of the past.

20 Tips to Optimize your Landing Page

Optimizing the design and layout of your landing page can help increase conversions. Here’s how you can make sure that you get the best results:

1. Be clear about what you want visitors to do:

Your landing page needs to clearly state what action it wants users to take. The first thing visitors will notice when looking at your page is any call to action (CTA), which is an element that tells them exactly what to do next. A CTA could be as simple as “Enter your email address” or “Sign up to our newsletter.”

2. Make sure your CTAs stand out:

Visitors shouldn’t have to search through several different parts of your website to find your CTA. Instead, place your CTA in an obvious spot on your landing page so that visitors don’t miss it.

3. Use colors that match your brand:
whar is a landing page

If you use colour to distinguish one part of your landing page over another, your message will stick out more. For example, if you want to encourage people to sign up for your newsletter but you use a blue background, then the text might not pop out enough.

4. Consider your audience:

If you know who your target market is, then you can make better decisions regarding your landing page design. You can create separate versions of your landing page with different layouts based on whether you think someone is likely to buy from you or not.

5. Include a clear headline:

When designing your landing page, keep in mind that most people scan websites rather than read everything. Your headline should be short and sweet – no more than two lines. It should also be written using a conversational tone.

6. Keep things simple:

You need to keep it simple. No fancy graphics, videos or animations. Just plain text and maybe some pictures. Try not to go overboard either; less is more.

7. Test multiple designs:

You may find that certain layouts perform better than others. If you have more than one version of your landing page, test each one to see which performs best.

8. Focus on conversion rate optimization:

Make sure that all of the content on your landing page is relevant to your product or service. Don’t try to shove too much info down visitors’ throats. That won’t work.

9. Create landing page tracking codes:

Once you start getting traffic to your landing page, you’ll want to track how many people land there and what actions they take once they arrive. This way you can adjust your landing page strategy accordingly.

10. Optimize for mobile:

While desktop computers remain popular, most people access the web via their smartphones and tablets these days. Because of this, your landing page should look good on both devices.

11. Add social media buttons:

Use the share buttons on your landing page to link to any social media sites where your customers are already located. Doing so helps drive traffic back to your site.

12. Have customer support available:
what is a landing page

Your landing page isn’t just about selling products. It’s also about providing your customers with information, answers and resources. You should always offer contact information for questions and comments.

13. Be consistent:

One of the biggest mistakes companies make when creating a landing page is being inconsistent. They add elements here and there without thinking them through. By keeping your message consistent throughout your entire website, you’re telling your potential customers exactly what to expect.

14. Use an easy-to-read font:

You don’t want to force people to squint to read something. Large font size is fine, but avoid anything larger than 18 points or 20 points.

15. Minimize distractions:

There are several ways to do this, but the easiest way is simply by removing distracting elements like ads. Visitors shouldn’t have to navigate around a bunch of other stuff while trying to figure out what they came to your site for.

16. Make it easy to leave:

It goes without saying that if your visitor doesn’t get what he wants within the first few seconds, he’s going to lose interest quickly. To combat this problem, include clear call-to-action (CTA) buttons wherever possible. The CTA could ask users to sign up for a newsletter, request free samples or fill out a form.

17. Include a thank you page:

If someone signs up for your email list, you should send him/her an email thanking him/her for taking action. This will help encourage future purchases.

18. Keep it short:

Don’t let your landing pages get longer than 2 minutes long. People skim over text online, so keep it as brief as possible.

19. Test different colors:

Different colour schemes can make your landing page stand out in search engine results. Experiment with multiple combinations of blue and red.

20. Be patient:

Don’t expect immediate results from your landing page. Your efforts may not pay off right away. Give it at least six months before you measure its success.

No matter if you learn how to make a landing page or understand what is a landing page being patient is important.


These are the several ways to create a landing page that converts visitors into buyers. If you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to landing page optimization success.

Debashis Konger
Debashis Konger
Articles: 76